Personal Trainer + Nutrition Program
PFTA-Austin Certified Personal Trainer | PFTA-Austin Sports Nutrition Specialist | NCSF Personal Trainer Certification | NCSF Nutrition Certification
This program is 16 weeks if the course is scheduled Tuesday/Thursday and 23 weeks if course is scheduled Wednesdays. The first 12-15 weeks are focused on the Personal Training certification and the remaining 4-8 weeks we transition to Sports Nutrition education.
The goal with taking the online material and putting it into a practical setting is that the students actually learn what the material means, learn how to create an effective/safe program, and learn the assessment process or protocols of starting with a new client. Because let's face it, putting a brand new client through a cool workout the first time you meet them, might still entice the client to buy your training, but it doesn’t help either of you figure out goals and proper programming moving forward.
The Program Includes:
16 Week Program, T/Th
23 Week Program, Wednesdays
NCSF student and lab guides; online access to an NCSF account containing review content, sample exercises, practice quizzes, and practice tests; and an NCSF exam voucher.
PFTA provided student guides with additional student content and notes.
Over 60 hours of classroom and hands on gym training.
A gym membership at Gym One for the duration of the course. (Virtual programs do not receive gym memberships).
End of course study groups to help prepare you for the national exam.